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Financial Management

Initially for any conference, we assist the Local Organising Committee with drawing up a detailed budget for the conference.  We will make sure the venue is offering the best financial package in terms of meeting space and delegate catering and we will negotiate with the other suppliers such as audio visual companies etc.  Our budgets are robust and have been developed on the basis of the many years of experience we have of running large international conferences.  We ensure that even the smallest details have been taken into account and nothing has been left to chance.  We will also be very honest if we feel that the conference income/expenditure expectations are too high (or too low!) and we will suggest ways in which they can be addressed. 

None of the income that we collect on the conference behalf from sponsors or delegates belongs to In Conference.  To ensure the conferences funds are protected, we set up a separate bank account.  Expenditure limits are set by the Organising Committee and withdrawals must be approved in advance.

We can provide information on insurance policies for your conference and can assist with arranging the best suited cover for most eventualities including terrorist activities.